Presentations from LA and SF Workshops

As part of the project, workshops were held at the MACTEC offices in southern California and the SGH office in San Francisco to discuss progress with the Concrete Coalition, its pilot cities, and to recruit volunteers to help develop estimates of numbers of older concrete buildings in other cities throughout the high risk counties of the state.

Presentations from this workshop are available here:

Craig Comartin: Introduction to the Concrete Coalition & the CA Inventory Project

Nick DelliQuadri: Non-ductile concrete buildngs in Los Angeles

Heidi Faison: The City of Berkeley. Estimating pre-1980 Concrete Buildings

Michael Cochran: The City of Long Beach. Pre-1980 Concrete Building Survey

David Bonowitz:  San Francisco. Pre-1980 Concrete Building Count

David McCormick: Getting started in the City of Alameda